Maison des Relations Internationales Nelson Mandela,
home to Montpellier's International Relations Department
After a fruitful collaboration in the framework of the 2023 Euro-Africa Water Days, on December 1st, 2023, the City of Montpellier joined the City Diplomacy Lab Advisory Board.
Over the years, Montpellier has built an extensive network of bilateral and multilateral partnerships.
The City of Montpellier is a member of the following networks:
- MedCities – Montpellier currently chairs this network.
- Association des Villes Universitaires de France
- Association Française du Conseil des Communes et Régions d’Europe (AFCCRE)
- Cités Unies France
- Club des Exportateurs de France
- Energy Cities
- Eurocities
- European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR)
- From the Sea to the City
- Global Parliament of Mayors
- Mayors for Peace
- Milan Urban Food Policy Pact
- Occitanie Coopération
- Occitanie Europe
- Rainbow Cities Network
- Rhizome Cities
- United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
Montpellier maintains active relations with sister cities on four continents:
- Heidelberg, Barcelona, and Palermo in Europe,
- Tlemcen and Fez in Africa,
- Tiberias, Bethlehem, and Chengdu in Asia, and
- Sherbrooke, Louisville, and Rio de Janeiro in the Americas.
Montpellier is also a partner city of Manchester in the United Kingdom.
These international partnerships cover a wide range of sectors, including education, healthcare, economic development, sport, and culture.
The city is particularly active in the field of international cooperation with the African continent. In October 2023, it held the first edition of the Euro-Africa Biennial (see video below), which focused on strengthening economic, cultural, educational, and sports relations between the diasporas in Montpellier and the African continent.